Junco, or Junior Council, is the regulating force of the junior class (the class of 2025). Junco’s role is to raise money for the 2025 senior prom, but it also aims to improve class, school, and community spirit along the way. Junior Council hosts fundraisers, service hour projects, and events throughout the entire school year, so be sure to keep a lookout for posters in the hallways and announcements on the Instagram page @rhsjunco! Our current President is Kylie Thorpe, along with Vice President Ariana Basaldu, Parliamentarian Hasia Ibanez, Pep Rally Chair Madeline Gottemoller, Secretary Melina Paiz, Social Media Chairs Alayna Cervantes and Marivel Geazale, and Treasurer Mila Johnson. Meetings are held on Tuesdays after school in room 175 with Mrs. Adams, so be sure to stop by if you’d like to get involved with the inner workings of the Junior Class! Ultimately, our goal is simple: win pep rallies, improve our school, and have fun along the way. See you at the next meeting!