The Club accounts series is all about the students in clubs in Ray High School. Ray has a thriving community of clubs, honor societies, and organizations that work to enrich education, provide community, and offer opportunities for growth. The Club Accounts page is dedicated to spreading the stories and experiences of the students in the different Ray high school clubs.
Club: Sailing Club
Student Interviewed: Maximo Hudlow, 11th Grade
Question: What made you want to join Sailing Club?
“I’ve been sailing since I was six, so my parents put me into a sailing camp at the yacht club when I was younger, and then I fell in love with it, and then I just kept going, and then my mom was able to establish sailing through high school through the sailing foundation because she’s on the board there. So, um, it’s just been really fun and it’s just what I’ve been doing.”
Question: What keeps you coming back to sailing?
“I like being out there in the wind and the waves, I mean it’s obviously a source of being connected to nature, but also competition there is really good. It’s really fun being able to drive your own vehicle and all of the things that go along with trying to get fast in all kinds of wind and waves. It’s really fun and interesting.
Question: Is there a big sailing community at Ray?
“No, there is not. There’s a total of two people who sail at Ray, at least for the high school team. But we’re trying to build that out, we just established it like a few months ago so there hasn’t really been a lot of opportunity for that program to grow yet. We are seeing a lot of growth in Flour Bluff, and we all practice together and split up for competitions, so there is a big sailing community to come to if you want to join.”
Question: If you could have everyone know one thing about sailing and sailing club, what would it be?
“It’s not as boring as it sounds and it’s also not as dangerous as it sounds.”
Question: If you could change one thing about it, what would you change?
“How many people do it in Corpus.”
Question: What’s your favorite thing about participating?
Question: What should a new member expect if they join the club?
“Once you join you’ll have someone who is an experienced skipper, (which is someone who drives the boat, because we have two man boats when we sail) and they’ll take you out and they’ll be in control of the boat so you’ll learn how to crew (the other job on the boat). That way they can teach you how the boat works, what they’re doing and what you need to do once you start to understand how the boat works. Once you get comfortable working on it, then you can choose to move up to skipper or continue as crew with whoever you find as a skipper.”
Question: If someone wants to sign up how would they do it?
“So, you go to Ms. Peart, and she will get you in contact with our coach. Mrs. Peart is in the science wing, the first door from that hallway, ESS or Biology teacher as she might be known, and you talk to her or you can talk to me, or you can talk to Lanie and we can get you in touch.
Question: Is there any other thing about Sailing Club you want people to know?
“It’s really fun and it’s something you can do for the rest of your life as long as you have the means to do it. There’s so many people I know from every different class, every different way of life who have come together with sailing. And they all are very good to each other and it’s a really good community that crosses outside of just your city or your state to, you know, I’ve met people from across the world from Korea and from China and from Mexico and from Argentina so its a really good place to meet a lot of people with a lot of different ideas and stuff.
Mrs. Peart can be found in room 163 at Ray in the first floor science wing if interested in joining.
Be sure to check the Texan times for more Club Accounts!