The Club accounts series is all about the students in clubs in Ray High School. Ray has a thriving community of clubs, honor societies, and organizations that work to enrich education, provide community, and offer opportunities for growth. The Club Accounts page is dedicated to spreading the stories and experiences of the students in the different Ray high school clubs.
Club: Asian American Pacific Islander Club (AAPI)
Student Interviewed: Michael Hoang, re-founder of AAPI at Ray High School, 10th Grade
Question: What made you want to re-found AAPI?:
“After Spanish Honor Society was founded, I realized we could do that same thing but for other cultural groups. I realized there is a big Asian community at Ray High School, especially in the IB, and there’s not really a club to represent them.”
Question: Why do you keep coming back to it?
“Well, first of all, I founded AAPI and the great thing about AAPI is that it’s very slow paced…we’re not trying to do anything too big, we’re just trying to have a meeting every month just to have fun, just to learn about cultures.”
Question: Is there a big AAPI community at Ray?
“..I’m going to talk about both like, physically people who are AAPI and also the club itself. I’d say..I think around five percent of people at this school are Asian, which might not seem like a lot but there’s around 1500 students at Ray High School, so if you take that there’s actually a decent amount of Asian people. Also AAPI, we only founded it like a couple months ago but there’s already a decent community that’s consistent- that consistently goes to the meetings. And that’s important.”
Question: If you could have everyone in the school know one thing about AAPI what would it be?
“Um, like my white suburbans would say, it’s about having fun.”
Question: If you could change one thing about AAPI, what would it be?
“I hope we get more involved in the wider school community and the wider community, our city. Once we get more off the ground we will start doing things like that, such as cultural events.”
Question: What is your favorite thing about participating in AAPI?
“Getting to be around people that are my friends, that I actually like to be around. I have fun.”
Question: If a new member were to join today, what could they expect?
“A very chill, slow paced kind of environment. What we mainly do..every month we have a meeting, obviously, and in that meeting we have a presentation about a country or a specific part about a country’s culture. And we also have food from said culture.
Question: How does someone sign up if they want to join?
“First of all, what you could do is follow the W B Ray AAPI instagram. Every month we’re gonna post on the instagram and also make posters for the club meeting.”
Question: Any clothing thoughts?
“I think something big is happening here!”
If interested, follow @rayhighschoolaapi on instagram or contact Ms. Hilmy in rm. 173!
Be sure to check the Texan times for more Club Accounts!