At 7:30 this Friday, one of the biggest events of the year will begin: the end [of the football season]. The ending game of the 2023-2024 football season will commence in the Buccaneer Stadium, and the Ray Texans will struggle against all odds to win against the Moody Trojans. Of the 9 games that our varsity team played, they won two of them (better than the 2021-2022 season!) and this Friday is the 10th (and final) game of the season. This also marks the last game our seniors have to leave a Ray High School football game with their heads held high with pride. Though many underclassmen may dismiss this game as simply another opportunity for Ray to embarrass themselves and fail, it is more necessary now than ever for support from students. Whether we win or lose the game, Ray is the champion of spirit. We have only one last chance to win and we ask, nay beg, other students to come sporting red shirts and cheer for their school. Please. For the sake of our seniors and our school. Come and support Ray!