Members Needed!

Saara Bindingnavele, Editor-in-Chief

The Ray Texan Times Newspaper Club is student-run, and students write all the articles. Although the upcoming school year is over a month away, we like to prepare early. If you would like to become a member, join the Remind (the code is @TexanClock) and send us your name and the grade you are coming into!

Members have many different duties depending on the role they sign up for. The Texan Times is versatile, and we have members whose experiences differ vastly. Here are a few of the positions (not officer positions) that members hold. If you would like to learn more about officer positions, email us at [email protected] or come to our booth during Texan Roundup!


  • write one article minimum every four weeks
  • articles can be about happenings around school and the city, national days, or anything interesting!
  • talk to an officer or email [email protected] for article ideas!
  • being a reporter is usually the role of new members. Officers know this and are happy to help!


  • work with reporters to take photos for articles and write one article minimum every four weeks
  • the “article” can be the caption of a photo the photographer took

Texan Tinkle Creator:

  • help work with the co-managers of Texan Tinkle with the monthly issue
  • write one article minimum every four weeks
  • usually freshmen


  • artists, comics, poets, creative writers and others who submit works for publication

Calendar Management Assistant:

  • write one article minimum every four weeks
  • communicates with clubs about meetings and informs the Calendar Manager

We look forward to the new year, and hope you do too!