National Anxiety Disorders Screening Day

Kylie Thorpe, Reporter

May 3rd is National Anxiety Disorders Screening Day! It takes place on the first Wednesday of every May, and it serves to raise awareness about the significance of screening for anxiety disorders. This day is especially important for young people, as 15% of all teens experience forms of clinical anxiety disorders by age 18. Screening for these disorders can be difficult, as many symptoms of anxiety can be caused by other factors and health conditions, so screening for them especially can help anyone struggling with managing or preventing symptoms of anxiety. One of the most important things you can do for others on National Anxiety Disorders Screening Day is educate yourself about various types of anxiety disorders and how they may present differently in different people. Next, you can practice some anxiety relief techniques yourself, which can help manage your own moments of anxiety as well as familiarizing you with the techniques themselves, so you can help others in the future. Finally, you can help everyone with anxiety simply by having a conversation about it! Despite the leaps and bounds we have made into the world of mental health research, there’s still stigma attached to conditions like anxiety disorders, and discussing them can help decrease the stigma and the shame surrounding the people who suffer from them. This May 3rd, be sure to practice some anxiety mitigation techniques, do some research of your own, and check up with a friend of family member about how they’ve been doing. With your help, Ray High School can tackle anxiety one student at a time. Happy National Anxiety Disorder Screening Day!