The Finish Line is Near!
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October 4, 2022
The IB class of 2024 Juniors is almost finished with their Dialectical Journals for In Cold Blood! The final dialectical journals for the In Cold Blood chapters III and IV are due this Thursday, and many Juniors seem rather relieved. However, these Juniors should not take these dialectical journals for granted; a source (an anonymous college student at UT) has disclosed that dialectical journals are the precursor to “close readings,” extremely in-depth, careful analyses of short segments of text. The Juniors are fortunate to be allowed to choose their quotes and have to write 100 words rather than the 1400 words that this anonymous college student had to write.
~ Anonymous
Rodney H. • Oct 11, 2022 at 11:07 am
Although I am not an IB student nor have had Ms. Whitmore as a teacher, I have read the novel “In Cold Blood”, and actually found it to be an excellent read! I wish I could have been ever so lucky to have a teacher that would allow me to analyze every single word of it to the deepest extent as you say you have. You should consider yourself lucky to do so.
Editor-In-Chief • Oct 19, 2022 at 10:28 pm
I certainly do feel lucky to do so! It’s a fun book to analyze, and I’m glad that we’re analyzing something with meaning behind it. However, we cannot silence the views of the anonymous author and they are allowed to believe as they please.