2021-22 StuCo Officers
June 8, 2021
The executive board of student council officers and chairs has been voted for Ray High School student council. For the 2021-2022 school year, the student council chairs are Suhawni Narang, Abigail Larkin, Christian Banez, and Francheska Laguna. This year there are two parliamentarians and filling those positions are Bree Avila and Julia Kim. The secretary is Isaac Elliot, Jordan Morales is the treasurer, and Gabie Vidal is the Historian. The 2021-2022 Vice President of student council is Joanna Wang, and the President is Roopa Bindingnavele.
This coming year is going to be a great one with student council organizing dances, school projects, and community service activities! If anyone is interested in joining, check out their instagram- @wbraystuco and meetings are at 4:15 in room 267!